The Dr. Zwig Show

Dr. Adam Zwig is a world renowned psychologist, life coach, musician, and author. He holds a PhD in clinical psychology and has nine Top Ten hit singles on the U.S. Adult Contemporary charts. He has ...more

Latest Episodes


April 14, 2021 00:27:42
Episode Cover

#30: How to Use Songs that Pop into Your Mind for Healing and Growth!

Music is emotional flow, and there’s literally an emotional flow state trying to happen in you in every moment. If it’s consciously perceived, it...



March 31, 2021 00:12:20
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#29: Your Hero / Heroine is a Projection of Your Unrealized Personal Power!

Your subconscious continually tries to alert and awaken you to your deeper process. It does this by creating intractable problems, dreaming up fateful events,...



March 24, 2021 00:19:40
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#28: How to Use Your Hero / Heroine to Help You Transform a Problem

Feeling stuck in your life doesn’t mean you’re bad or weak; it means you have a powerful process of growth trying to happen—a heroic...



March 17, 2021 00:24:02
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#27: We’re All ‘Mad' in Our Own Beautiful Way!

In today’s episode, I discuss one of my clients, Jeremy (his pseudonym), a twenty-year-old man whom everyone thought was crazy because he had stopped...



March 09, 2021 00:20:34
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#26: Why People Believe Falsehoods About the Brain and Mental Health

Each year billions of drug company dollars are spent on media campaigns that exploit the fact that most people don’t know how science works....



March 03, 2021 00:14:15
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#25: Even Your Worst Enemy is a Projection of Your Inner Psychology!

Everyone in your life plays a role in your psychological narrative. Your story already exists as a set of internal dynamics, some of which...
