#28: How to Use Your Hero / Heroine to Help You Transform a Problem

Episode 28 March 24, 2021 00:19:40
#28: How to Use Your Hero / Heroine to Help You Transform a Problem
The Dr. Zwig Show
#28: How to Use Your Hero / Heroine to Help You Transform a Problem

Mar 24 2021 | 00:19:40


Show Notes

Feeling stuck in your life doesn’t mean you’re bad or weak; it means you have a powerful process of growth trying to happen—a heroic calling toward your greater self. The more stuck you feel, the more challenging and numinous the change that’s trying to come forth. But how can you change something that seems impossible? Enter your hero / heroine.

Think of a problem you’ve had trouble making progress on, for example, depression, anxiety, attention deficit, relationship conflict, trauma, etc. Take a minute to review your experience of it. Don’t work on it and don’t try to solve anything. Just review the situation and what you’ve been feeling. Take a look at the whole issue and acknowledge it for what it is. Be as honest as you can about where you’re at with it right now.

Then, ask yourself, “Who could deal with this problem effectively?” Think of one of your heroes or heroines, someone you greatly admire, someone with powers beyond yours, a person or even a fantasy figure who would know exactly what to do, and could do it. Today’s episode leads you through a potent exercise that uses your hero’s / heroine’s qualities to help you begin to change a difficult issue.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:03 Welcome to the doctor's awake show, where I show you how bad States of mind, difficult life issues. Aren't pathological, but rather signs of personal growth trying to happen. All right, let's get into it. Hey people, thanks for tuning in. I hope the sun is shining on your life, but if it's cloudy or stormy, just remember that the weather and the seasons always change. And this change is within you right now, waiting to be tapped into today. I've got a simple and fun exercise for you. So grab something to drink. If you want get comfortable and let's do this, don't do these exercises while you're driving, operating machinery or doing anything that requires your attention. Now, each of you is total unique in how you process things. So at each step of the exercise, turn the podcast on and off, however you need. All right, focus on a problem. You've had trouble making progress on and take a minute to review your experience of it. Don't work on it. Don't try to solve anything, just review the situation and what you've been feeling. Take a look at the whole thing and acknowledge it for what it is, and be as honest as you can, about where you're at with it right now. Speaker 0 00:02:33 Now ask yourself who could deal with this problem effectively, think of one of your heroes or heroines or someone you greatly admire someone with powers beyond yours, a person, or even a fantasy figure who would know exactly what to do and could do it. <inaudible> Okay. Now visualize what your hero or heroine looks like. Take your time and study every feature from their body, hair and clothes to the details of their behavior. Get a solid visual sense of them. Watch it as an inner movie, Speaker 1 00:04:07 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:04:52 Now feel what it would be like to be this figure. What kind of bodily and emotional feeling sense to it's your hero or heroine have feel deeply into it. Forget about yourself for a moment and imagine feeling just like he or she feels Speaker 1 00:05:14 <inaudible> now stand up and walk around the room. Embodying this character, really get into their movements and gestures. Don't worry about feeling silly. Just have fun with it. Go ahead and turn the podcast off and turn it on again. When you're ready. Now, replace your mind with your hero or heroine's mind think like he or she does. What kind of energy does their thinking have? Is it quick and nimble, slow and methodical, creative decisive, intellectual. How does their mind see and process life? Imagine having their mind now put all this together and become your hero or heroine with all your senses. Totally become this incredible being in all his or her power, beauty and confidence. <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:09:24 Stay in the mind and body experience of your hero or heroine and using their attitude and energy. Look back at your problem from this new vantage point. Study yourself with the problem from this new perspective. As you do this, ask yourself these questions and take your time to answer them as the hero or heroine. How do you feel about the issue? Speaker 1 00:09:54 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:10:39 How do you see and understand it? What kind of thought process do you go through? Speaker 1 00:10:46 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:11:31 What kinds of solutions do you come up with? How, as the hero or heroine would you deal with the problem? Speaker 1 00:11:40 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:12:24 Okay. Here are some follow-up questions. How did it feel to become your hero or heroine instead of projecting it onto someone else? Speaker 1 00:12:37 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:13:22 Do you have any other heroes or heroines you could internalize in this way? Speaker 1 00:13:28 <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:14:11 Why don't you already feel like your hero or heroine what's against you being this way. Do you think you can't integrate their qualities unless you have their talent, money, popularity, body, or whatever. This isn't true at all. The essence of what you're attracted to in them is an aspect of your own process. You just haven't been aware of it as a part of yourself and therefore you haven't identified with it. So stops Speaker 1 00:14:52 You. Is it a fear of what might happen or of what others might think? Is it an inner critic telling you you're not awesome enough to be this way, or perhaps you just didn't realize that the qualities of your hero or heroine are actually your own qualities. What other problems could your hero or heroine help you solve? Great work. Speaker 2 00:16:52 Just learned how to use your hero or heroine to process a problem. You did this by play, acting, seeing, feeling, and moving, like hammer her, owning these qualities as your own, and then using this new feeling and attitude to provide solutions to your problem. Take as much time as you need to absorb what you just did. If you feel like listening to some bonus material where I share some of my client's experiences doing this exercise, that's up next, Speaker 2 00:17:40 Or some of my client's experiences doing this exercise. A 12 year old boy suffered from being bullied school. His hero was the rock, Dwayne Johnson in every session, the boy play, acted him. And through this learn to feel strong. Eventually he began standing up to his bully, a 30 year old woman who told me she felt victimized in her relationship, told me her heroin was the pop singer, Katy Perry. She play acted the singer and discovered her own sense of female empowerment. She then used this part of herself to be more assertive in her relationship. A 28 year old man who wanted to start his own business, but was afraid to told me his hero was the financial investor, Warren buffet. He play acted buffet, and he discovered a confidence in himself that enabled him to step out into the world and start his own business. A 45 year old man's hero was his neighbor, a firefighter. He play acted the fire man and discovered the inner courage he needed to seek help for his drug addiction. See you next time. Stay aware. Speaker 0 00:19:14 You can follow me on social media at Dr. Swig, and you can sign up on the mailing [email protected], where you'll receive discounts on private coaching events and merchandise starting in 2021 weekly personal growth tips and lots more be well.

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