#7: Tap Into the Process Driving Your Problem

Episode 7 October 06, 2020 00:19:24
#7: Tap Into the Process Driving Your Problem
The Dr. Zwig Show
#7: Tap Into the Process Driving Your Problem

Oct 06 2020 | 00:19:24


Show Notes

When it comes to personal growth, figuring out your problems is important, however, it has definite limitations. It can take you off track without you knowing since it’s difficult to verify whether your ideas about yourself are right or wrong. It can also promote the illusion that understanding your issue solves it. Sometimes it does but oftentimes it doesn’t. Instead of just trying to think your way through your problems, it’s essential to learn how to tap into the deeper process that’s driving them. Then, answers, solutions, and directions happen organically rather than you trying to superimpose ideas and interpretations onto your issues.

In this episode, I lead you through a simple exercise that shows you how to direct your awareness to discrete sensory channels—visual, auditory, proprioceptive, and kinesthetic. Learning how to do this gives you the basic tool for processing your problems. It enables you to go beyond theorizing about and interpreting your issues so you can connect with authentic, transformative experiences. This not only heals your problems but leads to happiness and success, as well.

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